Hello friends… Today I am going to show how to run github laravel projects.

1. download the laravel project from github.

2. copy that project in hotdocs folder and open the folder location in cmd.

3. now first rename the “env.example file to.env”

4. you can configure the database information here.

5. now open cmd and run some commands…

-Run composer install or php composer.phar install

-Run php artisan key:generate

-Run php artisan migrate

-Run php artisan db:seed to run seeders, if any.

-Run php artisan serve

Also check

To install and configure an existing project, you’d typically check those things first :

  1. You should goto app/config/database.php check file and verify username and password.
  2. After check in Project Folder vendor folder and composer.json file exist then remove it (that remove old configuration now we going to fresh configuration).
  3. Then after back to command prompt and fire command composer update and that download some dependent file download.
  4. Now Run php artisan serve

that tricks work for me last time when I migrate another host.

that’s all..

By admin

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